Citizens Advice Southampton marks Volunteers’ Week 2023.
News from Citizens Advice Southampton
We share updates and news from our services here, and through the Advice in Southampton newsletters (sign up here).
Healthy Start is an NHS benefit that can add £1,200 (per child) to a family’s budget. Only 68% of eligible children in Southampton are currently receiving it.
Join us for a short workshop to help you support your clients to access this funding. The course is free and is for anyone in Southampton who works with pregnant women or young families, and/or provides advice.
Click here for full information
Citizens Advice Southampton is looking for new Trustees Trustees; these are voluntary positions. Unremunerated but with reasonable expenses covered. Skills needed: we are looking for anyone with relevant experience who is interested in ultimately becoming Treasurer, Vice-Chair or Chair. Where: Southampton. Time: the Board of Trustees meets once a month apart from August and December […]
Do you have the drive to help others? Why not give volunteering with Citizens Advice a try? You can find out more at our open day on Wednesday 8th March. Come along and meet our friendly staff & volunteers to learn more about what we do!